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Maryland Bills 2025


Updated: Feb 22

On January 8, 2025, the Maryland General Assembly began its legislative session. Bill requests are due on January 17. Most bills of interest to CHARM go through the Environment & Transportation Committee which handles citizen witness testimony. The final date for introduction of bills without suspension of rules is March 3. The session ends on April 7, known as Sine Die. The governor would sign or veto by May 27. If enacted, these bills could affect the governance of common ownership communities (condos, HOA's, coops, timeshares) and/or the well-being of individual homeowners living there.


SB758 Elections, Financial Statements, and Enforcement

SB787 Time to Attain Reserve - 10 years; Reserve Specialists beyond CAI and APRA

HB1411 Grants to Low-Income Unit Owners for Insufficient Reserve Obligations

HB1117 - Montgomery County - Disputes, Payments, and Elections (formerly MC 11-25)

HB557 Homeowner Bill of Rights

HB0306 Common Ownership Communities - Ombudsman Unit, Governing Document Database, and Local Commissions


HB0347 (SB0150) Real Property – Recordation and Land Records – Requirements (Video)

SB107 (HB392) Evidence - Interception of Oral Comms - Fair Housing Testing (Video, 40m)

SB61 Authorized Interception of Oral Communications (Video)

SB167 (HB434) Courts - SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation)


HB1215 Time to Attain Reserve - 5 years

HB581 Increasing Assessments

HB292 Funding of Reserve Accounts - 5 years

HB818 Award of Attorney's Fees and Expenses - Violation of Maryland Constitutional Right

HB558 Local Commissions (CCOC)

HB363 Candidate Signs Display Period

HB449 Condominiums - Property Insurance Deductibles Increase to $25,000

HB0292 (SB0063) Cooperative Housing Corporations, Condominiums, and Homeowners Associations - Funding of Reserve Accounts and Preparation of Funding Plans


HB0294 (SB0071) Task Force on Common Ownership Communities


HB0295 Real Property - Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Governing Bodies and Annual Meetings


HB0299 Real Property - Governing Bodies of Common Ownership Communities - Member Training


HB0303 Real Property - Regulation of Common Ownership Community Managers


SB365 Nonprofit Organizations Navigator

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